Travel Grants

Travel grants

旅行补助金用于帮助学生参加会议,展示海报和 论文,收集实验数据,等等. Students must review and be aware 提交前的提交指南. 其他协会和部门也提供旅游补助金. 

你的申请和你的导师推荐信都必须在之前在线提交 截止日期,否则你将不被考虑旅行资助.

获得助学金的留学生,请填写“foreign student travel tax questionnaire.”



GSA Travel Grant Forms:

旅行补助申请是通过谷歌表格处理的,点击链接到 fill out the application.

Travel Grant Application Form

导师推荐信通知会自动发送给你的导师. If not, please contact the GSA at 以下是推荐表格的直接链接: 

Advisor Recommendation Form

Note: 将于秋季24日举行的会议旅游补助金申请已截止 now. 如果您的会议是在春季25学期或之后,欢迎您申请.

Current GSA Grant Due Dates:

Funding Section Funding Period Proposal Deadline
Summer 2022 June 1 - September 30 May 15
Fall 2022 October  1 - January 31 September 15
Spring 2023 February 1 - May 30 January 15
Summer 2023 June 1 - September 30 May 15
Fall 2023 October 1 - January 31 Septermber 15
Spring 2024 February 1 - May 30 January 15

*Note: These are priority deadlines. 可提交申请供考虑 up to 1 month before the proposed conference. Please be advised that proposals submitted 在资助期截止日期前,将给予优先考虑. 

 * NMT研究生也有资格申请SGA的旅行补助金 (Student Gov't Association)


  1. Office of Research - Contact VP of Research Dr. Nelia Dunbar (
  2. Office of Student Life - Contact Dr. Peter Phaiah (
  3. Presidents' Office
  4. Student Government Association - Contact SGA for more information
  5. If you are traveling for conference presentation在美国,大多数时候他们都有学生的旅行支持.
  6. 联系你的部门主管关于额外的学生旅行支持机会.


Frequently Asked Questions:


答:您将收到一封来自我们的旅行资助官员的电子邮件,其中包含以下说明 fill out a travel form before you travel. 你可以找到一份填写旅行表格的规则清单 here, and a visual guide here.

问:我已经向一个会议提交了我的摘要,但不知道它是否被批准了 奖学金申请截止日期前接受. Can I still apply for a travel grant?

答:即使你不确定你是否有能力,你仍然可以申请GSA资助 to travel. 在您的项目摘要中注明您的旅行取决于批准 from the other organization. 如果在你提交提案之后才做出决定, 请尽快通过gsa@npe将决定通知 If no decision 在GSA资助委员会会议时,委员会将会 still evaluate your proposal.


问:我想参加一个会议,但不会展示海报或捐赠 a talk. 我还能从GSA获得旅行资助吗?

A: Yes. 我们会优先考虑那些正式展示他们的 研究时,如果有参加会议的预算,就有可能获得一定的经费 allows.


问:我的导师要我在不到一个月的时间内参加一个会议. I hadn't planned 关于参加这次会议以及申请旅行补助的截止日期 funding period has already passed. Can I still apply for funding?

A: No. 一般来说,GSA每学期收到的申请比它能提供的资金要多. Any 未使用的旅行资金将转到下一个旅行期间.



答:在截止日期之前尽早提交的提案将优先考虑. 一般来说,只需要国内旅行的建议和口头会谈的建议 will receive the highest priorities. 完整的优先级列表如下(最高) to lowest): 

Have more Questions? email us at 


General Proposal Suggestions:

在这里,我们提供了一系列建议,以帮助您改进提案的准备工作. These 建议是基于以前的赠款接受者的评论和来自 proposal reviewers.

  1. Plan your travel early. 提案截止日期可能超过四个月 your travel date. 迟来的提议不被接受,所以决定好你的旅行计划 want to do well ahead of time.
  2. Start writing the proposal early. 最后一分钟写的提案通常是 poor in comparison to other proposals.
  3. 给你的导师足够的时间写推荐信. Do not assume 你的导师在提案当天下午会有时间写一些东西 deadline.
  4. Communicate with your advisor. 讨论下一个资助期可能的旅行 with your advisor. 在截止日期之前了解重要会议,而不是 after.
  5. Communicate with your audience. 如果审稿人不能理解你的提案, it will probably not get funding.
  6. Have someone else read over your proposal. Often, a different reader can catch errors that you miss. 写作中心也可以帮助学生取得成功 in their writing; for more information, refer to: 如果你的英语不好,向英语水平更好的朋友寻求帮助. 同样,写作中心可以帮助学生.
  7. Use a spell-checker.
  8. Check your budget carefully. 不申请资助GSA不允许的项目. Make sure your cost estimates are reasonable.
  9. Double check your math.
  10. 尽量与其他人合住一个房间,以减少房间费用. Rooms at conference 酒店的价格通常比附近的其他酒店高得多. Check the prices of nearby hotels. 如果你需要呆在一个位置,与一个高得多的 在你的项目摘要中包括一个理由.
  11. 查看学生的会议费用和酒店房间价格.
  12. Look for alternate sources of funding. The GSA Travel Grant is partially need based, 所以你需要证明没有其他的资金来源. Check other sources in addition to your advisor. Does someone else on your thesis committee have funding that you can use? Does your department have funding? Does the conference you are attending offer funding for students?
  13. Do you belong to a professional organization? Many conferences have reduced registration fees for organization members. 许多组织也为学生提供资助项目 research and travel which you can apply for.
  14. Follow the instructions. 未能提供所要求的信息可能导致您 proposal to not be considered.


旅行补助可以帮助你申请: Example Travel Grants  







 Last Updated on July 19th, 2022