的OSL is CRLA Level 1 Certified


We are thrilled to announce that the the 学生学习办公室 has been awarded 认证为 Level 1 certified tutor training program by the internationally recognized College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA)!

For more than thirty years CRLA has been a leader in learning assistance, reading, and academic support programs with almost 1,300 members and over 2,000 certified training 全球项目.

The 学生学习办公室 has worked hard to develop a tutor training program that meets CRLA’s rigorous standards and has successfully completed the International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC) peer review process. 实现认证 means that the 学生学习办公室 has met CRLA’s high standards for tutor selection, training, direct service, and evaluation as an integral part of their overall 辅导计划. 


Best of Luck to Our Graduating Tutors


This semester, five of our tutors graduated: Adam, David, Mariana, Natasha, and Shemariah. We will miss them a lot ('we' meaning the OSL and Tech students) and we hope they 做大事! 



April 30, 3-8pm at Skeen图书馆

This semester's extravaganza brought in 120 students hungry for Calc I, Calc II, Physics I, Physics II, and Gen Chem I sessions (还有零食!).




Based on the feedback we received after the event, the students were grateful for getting "in-person help and assurance," providing "extra time to ask questions 关于 specific topics" that they didn't understand and "to get some more personal help."

Another student pointed out that "the fact that the professors offered time outside of the classroom to review their finals was so greatly appreciated. 它缩小了范围 the areas of study to better focus on."

That's exactly right, the extravaganza wouldn't have happened without the engagement from our wonderful faculty focused on student success: Dr. 沃博士. 侠盗双雄,博士. pia,博士. 毛博士. Sonnenfeld, and—of course—Oliver, Dr. 毛的私人助理. See you again in the Fall 2024 semester!

2024 NMT 学生研究研讨会


多么精彩的研讨会! 我们总共有 178 主持人, 127 是本科生 51 研究生. 206 people came in to check out the sessions. Just like last year, t在这里 were four categories our students could participate in: GSA Poster Competition (open to grad students only), four poster sessions spread over three days, the Oral Presentation Session, and the 三分钟演讲比赛. In addition, students and other attendees could visit the following showcases: the Sophomore 研究 program showcase, the Civil & 环境 Engineering showcase, and the Mechanical Engineering showcase (which is always very well-attended because of all the robots that students bring). 

In light of the "communicate to educate" SRS motto, the Writing & 通信实验室, the CLASS, and the OSL staff provided workshops to help the presenters create successful posters and speeches and to help them feel more confident in front of an audience. We hope that the knowledge they gained helps them in their future presentation endeavors. 

Below are a few photos but for the SRS 2024 Photo Gallery, 请点击 在这里.








Here's some of the feedback we received after the event:

"Thank you for putting on the SRS, I had a blast. Thank you for all of the effort that you put into making it a success i.e. workshops, recruiting evaluators, tasty refreshments and everything else."

"This was one of the best SRS yet! Thank you and keep up the great work."


我们还能说什么呢... 我们期待实现2025年可持续发展战略! For more information on the SRS, 请点击 在这里.


November 28, 3-8pm at Skeen图书馆

Another successful extravaganza behind us! 我们总共有 102 students sign in for the sessions offered. 哇! A huge THANK YOU to all the participating faculty, TAs, our amazing OSL tutors, and all the students who showed up—the extravaganza wouldn't be possible without you!




The day after the extravaganza all attendees were asked to submit a feedback form. Here are some of the comments we've received: 

"[The review sessions] were very helpful because they were a smaller setting than normal class so I felt like I could ask questions." / "They went over examples and 给了我更多的练习." / "Helped me practice some problems I had previous doubts 关于." / "The problems we went over made more sense since t在这里 were less students in the extravaganza t在这里fore a better chance to explain the material better."

After hearing so many good things all we can say is that we'll see you again for the Spring 2024 edition of the extravaganza!

National Tutor Appreciation Week


的OSL & Skeen图书馆 celebrated the National Tutor Week in the first week of October. NMT Students wrote Thank You messages to show appreciation for our OSL Tutors and their hard work as peer educators. The messages are now displayed in the OSL area next to the Subject Board, so come and check them out! 





